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Šablonas:TemplateData header

This template is used after the heading of a section, to link to a sub-article (or sub-articles) that is entirely about the topic of the section. The template will display, in italics, "Main article: Article 1, Article 2 and Article 3"

Šablono parametrai

Šis šablonas yra nestandartinio formato.

Page 11

The name of the first page that you want to link to. If this is not specified, the current page name (with no namespace prefix) is used instead.

Page 22

The name of the second page that you want to link to.

Page 33

The name of the third page that you want to link to. More pages can be added using the parameters "4", "5", etc.

Label 1l1 label 1

What the first linked page is to be displayed as.

Simbolių eilutėnebūtinas
Label 2l2 label 2

What the second linked page is to be displayed as.

Simbolių eilutėnebūtinas
Label 3l3 label 3

What the third linked page is to be displayed as. Other labels can be added by using increasing numbers (starting with "l4" for page 4) as parameter names.

Simbolių eilutėnebūtinas
Self referenceselfref

Set to "yes" if the template is a self-reference to Wikipedia that would not make sense on mirrors or forks of the Wikipedia site.

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